I Will Not Be Doing That Again Jack Sparrow

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011) Poster



  • Jack Sparrow : You know the feeling yous get when standing in a high identify, the sudden urge to bound...

    [looks over the cliff, as if considering jumping, then comes back to reality]

    Jack Sparrow : I don't have it.

  • Angelica : [Jack turns to leave] Expect! I am with child... yours.

    Jack Sparrow : I don't retrieve that we e'er had...

    Angelica : You were drunk.

    Jack Sparrow : I've actually never been that drunk.

  • Captain Teague : I heard where you're headed. The Fountain.

    Jack Sparrow : Have y'all been there?

    Helm Teague : Does this face looks like it's been to the Fountain of Youth?

    Jack Sparrow : ...Depends on the low-cal.

  • Salaman : You're either with us or against u.s.!

    Philip : I'yard non with you, neither am I against you lot!

    Salaman : [to Jack] Can he do that?

    Jack Sparrow : He'southward religious, I believe it'south required.

  • Jack Sparrow : You lied to me by telling me the truth?

    Angelica : Yes.

    Jack Sparrow : That'due south very practiced, may I apply that?

  • Jack Sparrow : Did everyone come across that? Because I will *not* be doing it again.

  • [concluding lines]

    Gibbs : I don't get information technology, Jack. You lot had the chalices, the tear, the water - you could accept lived forever!

    Jack Sparrow : Who'southward to say I won't live forever, eh? Discoverer of the Fountain of Youth. I've no say in it, Gibbs. It's a pirate's life for me.


    Jack Sparrow : Savvy?

  • [after beingness addressed every bit "Jack Sparrow"]

    Jack Sparrow : There should be a "Captain" in there somewhere.

  • Jack Sparrow : How can you lot say I used you?

    Angelica : You know exactly how!

    Jack Sparrow : I know, but how can you say it?

  • Jack Sparrow : I may have had... briefly, mind you lot... stirrings.

    Gibbs : Stirrings?

    Jack Sparrow : Stirrings.

    Gibbs : What, like feelings, you hateful?

    Jack Sparrow : No, no, no, no, not quite all the way to feelings. More than like... All right feelings, damn you.

  • [Barbossa fiddles with his pegleg and and removes it]

    Jack Sparrow : Oh! A knife?

    Barbossa : Better!

    [Reveals his pegleg is a flask and takes a potable]

    Jack Sparrow : I want one of those.

  • Jack Sparrow : Chaplain, on the off chance that this does not go well for me, I would like it noted here and now that I am fully prepared to believe in whatever I must, so that I may be welcomed into that place where all the "goody-goodies" get to go. Savvy?

  • Angelica : What were you doing in a Spanish convent, anyway?

    Jack Sparrow : Mistook it for a brothel. Honest mistake.

  • Jack Sparrow : [after the wildcat is victorious] The ship is ours!

    Blackbeard : [comes out of his quarters and glares at Sparrow] Gentlemen. I be placed in a bewilderment. There I were, resting. And upon a sudden, I hear an ungodly row on deck. Sailors abandoning their posts, without orders, without leave. Men earlier the mast, taking the ship for themselves. What be that, First Mate?

    Angelica : Wildcat, Captain.

    Blackbeard : [holding his hand to his ear] Again?

    Angelica : Mutiny!

    Blackbeard : Aye, wildcat. And what fate befall mutineers? Now, nosotros know the answer to that, do we not? Mutineers... HANG!

    [raises his enchanted sword, making the sails drop, and the rigging ensnare all the mutineers]

    Jack Sparrow : [hangs upside downward in front end of Blackbeard] Helm, I wish to report a mutiny. I can proper noun fingers and point names.

    Blackbeard : Perfect.

  • Jack Sparrow : Y'all walk like a girl.

    Angelica : You would know.

  • Jack Sparrow : The crime in which you have been plant guilty of, is being innocent of being Jack Sparrow.

  • Angelica : I love you lot.

    Jack Sparrow : As do I. Always have, always will.

  • Angelica : Admit it, Jack. Yous still beloved me.

    Jack Sparrow : If yous had a sister and a domestic dog... I'd choose the canis familiaris.

  • Gibbs : So the Pearl. Any thought on how to get her out?

    Jack Sparrow : We shall need a crossbow, an hourglass, 3 goats, one of u.s. must learn to play the trumpet, whilst the other one goes like this.

    Gibbs : I know a man with a goat.

    Jack Sparrow : Good. I tin get like this.

  • Angelica : That's hardly advisable for the showtime mate.

    Jack Sparrow : Was I the kickoff?

  • [Jack sneaks upwards to Angelica sleeping and slowly gets in bed next to her]

    Angelica : [half asleep] Jack, if this is a dream you lot can keep the sword and boots on... If it's not...

    Jack Sparrow : It's a dream.

  • [in agreement with Philip's comment]

    Jack Sparrow : I support the missionary'south position.

  • Jack Sparrow : Blackbeard. Edward Teach. The pirate all pirates fear. Resurrector of the dead in his spare fourth dimension.

  • Blackbeard : Aha. Dead cease. Dead. End. Expressionless end!

    Angelica : Jack, I'm starting to think y'all don't know where yous're going.

    Jack Sparrow : It's not the destination so much equally the journey, they say.

  • Angelica : The lies I told you lot were not lies

    Jack Sparrow : *Intermission* You lied to me by telling the truth?

    Angelica : Yes

    Jack Sparrow : That's very skilful. May I utilize that?

  • Angelica : Maybe you lot don't believe in the supernatural.

    Jack Sparrow : Oh no, no, I've seen a affair or two.

  • Jack Sparrow : Why is the Blackness Pearl in the bottle?

  • Angelica : You were the merely pirate I thought I could pass for.

    Jack Sparrow : That is NOT a compliment.

  • Lord John Carteret : [sarcastically] You *are* Jack Sparrow?

    Jack Sparrow : There should exist a "Captain" in in that location somewhere.

    [he grimaces]

    King George : I've heard of you... and you lot know who *I* am.

    Jack Sparrow : Face is familiar. Have I... threatened y'all before?

  • Barbossa : [at St. James Palace in London] Jack, our sands be all simply run. Where's the impairment in joining the winning sides?

    Jack Sparrow : I understand everything... except that wig.

  • Blackbeard : [points the gun at Jack's head] I need those chalices.

    Jack Sparrow : Shoot. Save me the bother of the autumn.

    Blackbeard : You volition become. You will return. Or I will kill her.

    [points the gun at Angelica]

    Jack Sparrow : [surprised] Yous won't kill your own girl!

    Blackbeard : [hands the gun to the zombie quartermaster] Quartermaster, go me half-dozen more pistols, remove the shot from all but two, merely do not tell me which two.

    [walks to where the six pistols are at]

    Blackbeard : You get to cull, Mr.Sparrow.

  • Jack Sparrow : Death lies earlier us, as we canvas to the Fountain of Youth.

  • Jack Sparrow : Better to not know which moment may exist your last. Every morsel of your entire being alive to the infinite mystery of it all.

  • Angelica : I love y'all.

    [leans in to Kiss]

    Jack Sparrow : [just virtually to kiss] I gotta go.


  • Jack Sparrow : At that place'll be dangers along the manner... firstly mermaids, zombies... Blackbeard.

  • Jack Sparrow : You're the one who insisted on bringing the bloody mermaid!

  • Angelica : [being marooned] And how volition I get free of these bonds?

    Jack Sparrow : Y'all bankrupt complimentary of your bonds thirty minutes ago, waiting for the precise moment to pounce.

    [blocks Angelica'due south attack]

  • Jack Sparrow : [to Angelica] I thought I should give you off-white alert, nosotros're taking the transport. Zero personal.

  • Angelica : [after realizing Jack tricked Blackbeard into drinking the wrong beaker] You bastard, how could you?

    Jack Sparrow : Your father saved you. Possibly his soul is now redeemed.

  • Jack Sparrow : So, what is the ritual?

    Angelica : Ii argent chalices, the teardrop of a mermaid, and water from the fountain. One chalice will contain the tear, the other will non. Whoever dinks from the chalice with the tear will have their life extended, from the person who drinks from the other chalice...

    Jack Sparrow : I don't really agree to that...

  • Captain Teague : Hello Jackie.

    Jack Sparrow : 'Ello dad.

  • Jack Sparrow : In that location is a daughter. A female. Of the contrary sex.

    Gibbs : When is there not?

  • [to Blackbeard and Angelica, belongings the prepared batter]

    Jack Sparrow : I cannot save you lot both. One of you must sacrifice.

  • Gibbs : All function of the plan, yes?

    Jack Sparrow : No.

  • Jack Sparrow : You demonstrated a lot of technique for someone I supposedly corrupted.

  • Jack Sparrow : The fountain of youth, what does it require?

    Angelica : A mermaid, Jack.

  • Jack Sparrow : Seeing as how you're still alive, I say it's all been very successful thus far.

  • Jack Sparrow : Have I mentioned, sir, what a lovely daughter y'all have?

  • Jack Sparrow : Wildcat served me well. It gained me an audience with you.

  • [Jack has just jump down into the river]

    Jack Sparrow : Moisture... wet again.

  • Jack Sparrow : [to Angelica about taking the send] I remember you might exist ameliorate off if you just...

    [sword comes through the door]

    Jack Sparrow : ...stay out of it.

  • Jack Sparrow : [to Angelica, who has been posing as Jack] You've stolen me. And I'm here to take meself back.

  • Jack Sparrow : He bought that?

    Angelica : I sold that.

  • Barbossa : Don't touch the map.

    Jack Sparrow : Oh.

  • Jack Sparrow : [to Blackbeard] Captain, I wish to written report a mutiny. I can name fingers and betoken names.

  • Jack Sparrow : What has become of my Pearl?

    Barbossa : I lost the Pearl the same attack I lost my leg.

    [an enraged Jack has to be restrained by guards]

    Jack Sparrow : If that transport exist sunk properly, then its Captain should be sunk with it!

  • Jack Sparrow : You lot are aware of the ritual?

    Angelica : Yeah, I am.

    Jack Sparrow : What is it?

  • Jack Sparrow : Sweetness!

  • Angelica : I tried to kill you in St. Dominique.

    Jack Sparrow : Either or.

  • Jack Sparrow : Gibbs, I was but on me style to break you out of jail. You stole my map.

  • Jack Sparrow : Doesn't band a bong.

  • Jack Sparrow : He's even more annoying in miniature.

  • Prime number Minister Henry Pelham : You are in the presence of George Augustus, Duke of Brunswick-Luneburg, Archtreasurer and Prince-elector of the Holy Roman Empire, King of United kingdom and Ireland... and of you.

    Jack Sparrow : [thinking pause] Doesn't ring a bell.

  • Jack Sparrow : Yous.

    Barbossa : You.

    Jack Sparrow : No, yous!

    Barbossa : I was hither commencement. You!


Source: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1298650/characters/nm0000136

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