Love Me Till Im Me Again Lyrics Dig Your Roots


I call up I liked Florida Georgia Line more when their music was worse. Now they're writing songs well-nigh getting married and hanging out with their parents, nonetheless notwithstanding with much of the aforementioned manic, douchebag product and stupid rapping vocals of before, and the unabridged enterprise but comes off similar a sad whimper from a band sensing their demise in the offing and trying to cash whatever checks they may have left before it all comes crumbling down.

On the duo'southward third album Dig Your Roots, Florida Georgia Line puts out incredible endeavor to reply all of the criticisms against them as a country music act. They effort to include more songs of substance. They effort to include more country instrumentation. They fifty-fifty give the Silent Bob of the duo—the blonde, brusk-haired Brian Kelley—a chance to sing pb on multiple songs. And the results are awful. Existent atrocious. This is because all the criticisms of the duo non being country enough, not being substantive enough, and having a virtual mime in the grouping to brand them eligible for unchallenged "duo" distinctions come awards show season, were but surface observations of what is ultimately a band that has little to cipher and never did. At that place'south no dressing up this dog.

Florida Georgia Line got expressionless on lucky with "Cruise," and hey, give that vocal credit for being in the correct place at the correct fourth dimension, and resonating with an incredibly wide audition and ushering in an entirely new era in country music. Regardless of how acrimonious the topic of Bro-Country is, you can't argue that information technology didn't have touch. And their song "Clay," hey, it was good. But chalk that up to the blind squirrel finding a nut theory, considering especially afterwards listening to this new album, it'south clear that was a dumb luck anomaly.

You could about sell Dig Your Roots as a concept record. That is how hard and heavy Florida Georgia Line go at taking about wedlock, life, having kids, settling down, and spending time with loves ones while they're even so around. It's incredible how many songs on this record delve into these subjects. You desire to give Florida Georgia Line at least credit for trying. You actually do. It's like during the early years of elementary where yous class a student on try, fifty-fifty if their competency and proficiency are poor. Only ultimately, the songs are simply non good, and are saddled with not just decorated and ill-advised overproduction, but the smarmy feel that this is Florida Georgia Line you lot're listening to. Fifty-fifty if the cloth is more mature, which it only is on the surface, it's but not what you listen to music for.

flordia-georgia-line-dig-your-rootsAnd betwixt these songs about getting married and wanting to have babies and k babies with their wives are these interludes where the quondam school Florida Georgia Line shows up in full forcefulness ostensibly rapping about date rape in the cab of a pickup. Somehow, even this belatedly in the game, the song "Good Girl, Bad Male child" figures out how to interruption the world tape for cramming the about countryisms into a lyrical phrase of a checklist Bro-Country song.

"Big block, cruisin' up the black top, Turnin' the corn row, scare crow, subcontract business firm, gravel road." And what does any of this accept to exercise with the premise of the song? Jack nothing. It'due south pure window dressing and sygnifiers to let shallow listeners know it's a country song because you certain as hell wouldn't deduce this from the audio of information technology. Similarly, "Summerland" and their song with Ziggy Marley "Life Is A Honeymoon" are total fluff escapism with no nutritional value, while being a bit too busy and disjointed to even call them catchy. "May We All" with Tim McGraw is i of the few songs that does take a catchy factor, but it still offers little to no substance.

And y'all think nosotros've got it bad having to choose between a psychopathic ability-hungry maniac, and a corrupt sea hag hosebeast for President? Well imagine a scenario where we elect both. Together. In 1 big shit sandwich that we've all must spend the adjacent four years taking big healthy bites from. That's basically the malignant puss-oozing ruptured brain tumor of a vocal y'all get when you lot marry Florida Georgia Line—the most acid, commode-circling swill ever conceived in the history of country music—with the apex douchebags of the embarrassing boy band phenomenon known as the Backstreet Boys, rubbing uglies together to make a mutated hellspawn audio babe to exist birthed backwards into your poor supple ear canal in the grade of the song "God, Your Mama, and Me."

But these acidic selections don't brand up the lion's share of the Dig Your Roots fabric. This is reserved for songs similar the direly deadening adult contemporary of "H.O.L.Y.," the feeble attempt at committed romance in "Lifer," or the antithesis of everything Florida Georgia Line fans listen to this duo for, "Grow Old."

Come across, this is the ultimate failing of Dig Your Roots. Florida Georgia Line should take told its critics to osculation off and continued to make stupid party music. Tyler Hubbard and Brian Kelley aren't much skilful for anything, but they're decent at that. You lot accept the aging Dierks Bentley and Keith Urban out in that location trying to human activity similar their 22 again, singing about hooking up in hot urban clubs, and meanwhile Florida Georgia Line is singing nigh how they tin't wait for their baby'southward babies to turn 18.

Florida Georgia Line'due south fans don't want to call back about that stuff. That'south all deep and shit. Sure, ultimately if yous're listening to Florida Georgia Line at present, you'll more than than probable terminate up living the most mainstream of mainstream tedious life in the vast bloated middle of whitewashed America. Only for now you lot desire to political party, and matrimony and paternity tests are big, scary things getting in the way of your wasted xx's.

Since Florida Georgia Line is virtually incapable of writing or performing a truly deep song, they record a song like "Music Is Healing" that is about deep songs (without being ane itself) and hope this suffices for the "substance" all these hateful critics go along talking about.

The Brian Kelley sung "While He's However Around" ends upward beingness the best vocal on the record, and by golly it has its moments ("Smooth" is also kind of fun in a guilty pleasance sort of way). But there is a reason Brian Kelley has been cached in this band for two full records. Information technology'southward not that Brian Kelley can't sing, pregnant he doesn't have the ability to open his mouth and make audible sounds to music. Information technology'south just that his voice has admittedly nada distinct about it whatsoever. Yet a lot of singers without distinct voices have washed fine in music—if they have the songs to back it up. Brian Kelley doesn't though, and you lot tin tell that the production squad is incredibly self-concise virtually Brian's voice so they throw such extremely heavy digital processing on pinnacle of it to hopefully keep mainstream listeners engaged, if only from the computerized, Tron-like quality of his Auto-tuned and Vulcanized song runway contains.

florida-georgia-line-2Perhaps Brian Kelley lobbied for the extra attention on this record. Perchance he wants to polish up his resume simply in instance the ultimate demise of this FGL projection truly is in the offing and he hasn't sung lead on even i single album cutting until now. My working theory on Brian Kelley is withal that someday in the future he volition lambast Florida Georgia Line'due south entire output and say it was all pure pandering. He may not be the singer of the group, but something tells you lot he's the thinker. He still has no business trying to carry a song—"While He's Nevertheless Effectually" notwithstanding.

Just even "While He'south However Around" is sappy, mawkish, James Taylor-similar deadening bullshit that is not going to woo critics, and will become core FGL fans looking at the duo sideways. Become ahead, read some of the online reviews of this record in numerous places, and you lot volition find many instances of folks turning coats because Florida Georgia Line left so much of the party atmosphere behind, and Brian Kelley sucks at singing leads.

Producer Joey Moi knew Florida Georgia Line had to go in a new management and instill some meaning into their music considering he saw what a laughing stock his last pet project Nickelback became. And again, trying to give credit where credit is due, both Tyler Hubbard and Brian Kelley are married now. They're both seriously thinking about settling down, having kids, spending more time with loved ones, and actually enjoying some of the wealth they've accrued by soiling America with their trashy music. There was never whatever reason to dubiousness the honesty of Florida Georgia Line when they were rapping nigh "Stick the pink umbrella in your potable," and there'due south no reason to uncertainty their honesty about wanting to settle down now. Merely only a few extreme instances in their career arc has the music been anywhere close to even mildly skillful.

And then now they're sort of ventured into no man's land where the critics are still not going to give them any serious love—it's too belatedly for that—and their lyrics are alienating many of their shallow fans. Sales for Dig Your Roots so far are downwards, and the singles feel forced. In that location'southward still some tread on these tires, if for no other reason than Florida Georgia Line is a massive music franchise, and sure investments still demand to exist repaid. On the surface, they are still a successful ring, merely public bellyaching over the objectionable, anti-Christian nature of "H.O.L.Y.," and the ridiculous anti-cop controversy in July 2016—both of which don't agree h2o, but still have been bad PR—are beginning to erode the core out of their fan base.

Begrudgingly, Florida Georgia Line does deserve an 'A' for try on Dig Your Roots. They did try to movement forward. Just ultimately the endeavour was not enough. They failed. And not just from a critic'due south standpoint, but from the standpoint of this critical juncture of a band that was once the biggest thing in country, yet is now trying to navigate through the post Bro-Land reality, of which there actually is none for a band like Florida Georgia Line.

F (1/ten)


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